



Often times, people of color lack resources available to them concerning mental health, 卫生资源等. Below we provide some resources for 非裔美国人, Asian 太平洋岛民、德西美国人、拉丁人等. 我们的目标是开放可访问性 offered to minorities, in order to better the lives of our undeserved communities 在这里 在威尼斯人app下载.




Dealing with prejudice can be emotionally draining especially when dealing with it 在日常生活中. It is said that the 非裔美国人 and Asian communities are the most discriminated according to a study in 2019 done by the 皮尤研究中心的美国种族研究. Prejudice can come in the form of stereotypes (unfair preconceived notions and judgment) about a person's race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, class, age, etc. 偏见可以 结果如下:

偏见: an inclination, tendency, or particular perspective toward something; can be favorable 或不利的. When bias occurs outside of the perceiver’s awareness, it is classified as 内隐偏见.

Microaggressions: an indirect, subtle, or unintentional comment or action that is prejudicial toward 被边缘化的群体.

偏见: the intolerance of different opinions, beliefs, or ways of life.

讨厌: disgust or contempt for another group that facilitates a desire for separation, strong 恐惧或愤怒的情绪,以及非人的信仰. 仇恨可以表现为: 

  • 仇恨言论: form of expression intended to attack or incite hatred of a class of persons.
  • 仇恨犯罪: 由偏见引起的犯罪.
  • 讨厌组: organization that attacks or condemns a class of people.

歧视: unfair and negative treatment different categories of people or things, especially 以种族、年龄或性别为由.

压迫: a cruel and unjust abuse of power that prevents people from having opportunities and 自由.


To learn how to protect yourself and become resilient to this type of discrimination and/or help someone who may be experiencing prejudice, visit the website by Pepperdine 大学 在这里. 










